It’s the end of 2018.  Did you achieve all of your objectives this year professionally and personally? Did you even have objectives for 2018? If you are honest with yourself, the likely answer is no.

The good news is, you get another chance in 2019.

The bad news is, your unproductive habits are ready to sabotage 2019.

In the 1999 science fiction film, The Matrix, Morpheus awakens Neo to the real world.  Neo’s reality was a ravaged wasteland where most of humanity have been captured by a race of machines that live off of the humans' body heat and electrochemical energy.  Human minds are imprisoned within an artificial reality known as the Matrix.


Is your mind stuck in a Matrix of bad habits that have you imprisoned in mediocrity? Everyone has a mind matrix of their own making in at least one area of their life.

Perhaps you procrastinate on doing something different because the status quo is too comfortable.  You are in a pit, on a snowy day, with a lion.  Although it's scary at times, you have convinced yourself the lion will not eat you. 

Most of your focus is just getting through each day rather than getting out of your pit.

Or perhaps you believe the Big Lie, that you're doing everything you can and things are okay.  When you started your business, was your objective to be "okay"?  When you got married, was your objective to have an "okay" marriage?  When you decided to get in better shape, was your goal to be in "okay" shape?

"Okay" sucks.  You are meant for more.  But you must have the courage and the discipline to stop lying to yourself.

Change your expectations. Stop having a goal to just get through the day. Stop allowing yourself to react your way through each day. Stop letting your bad habits control your days.

Instead, focus on setting and achieving your career and company goals.

Start here, where you are, with a new commitment to be all that you can be.  It doesn't matter how many mistakes you have made.  Your age, finances, job title, knowledge, skills, and current opportunities, or lack thereof, cannot stop you if you commit to start here and now. 

The most valiant warriors have wounds, but time and time again, they start here.  They start now.

You can too!

Stop being a sucker for the Big Lie.  In at least one area of your life you did not achieve significant progress in 2018.  Rip the Big Lie from your conscious mind.  Stop repeating it over and over.  Stop using it as an excuse.  Stop trying to feel comfortable when you know you can do better.

Do something different in 2019! 

Here's a few things we are offering to help you get started:

Certified LEADER program - starting January 7 (register by Dec 31 to automatically save $250).

Dave’s Charm School - soft skills training, low cost, train 1-3 lessons each week.

Hire the Best system – you will spend $100,000 on new hires in 2019, invest a fraction of that to hire better people and avoid posers.

Talent Assessments – Improve your current employee productivity, and better match job candidates to your openings with our Talent Assessments.  We have Clients who will not hire unless they consider our unique profiles and give our opinion of whether to hire or not.

LEADERSHIP Essentials – Work with me for 3-6 months to improve your leadership and company culture so your organization can thrive.

Start here.  Start now.  On your own, or with me. 

Just do something different!

Merry Christmas!  Happy Hanukkah!  Happy New Year!  Happy Holidays!

David Russell

David is the Founder and CEO of Manage 2 Win.

Achieving Dreams, Not Chasing Them


Weak Debriefs Are Killing You