A different kind of webinar on June 10th

I invite you and other leaders in your company to join me for a webinar at 2:00 p.m. EST next Wednesday, June 10th, sponsored by Intronis.

This is a different webinar because it is designed for you to ask questions and I do leadership consulting on-the-spot.  I just did this workshop at Autotask Live two weeks ago and it was incredible...  because of the questions the audience asked.

Join us to ask questions, or register to have access to the recording if you want to gain some leadership insights.  Here is the description of the event:

Client Loyalty is Dependent on Your Leadership and Culture

Attention all LEADERS!  Ask questions, listen to live consulting, or do not attend.  This is NOT your typical webinar where you can tune-in the audio while you do email.

We want all participants to ask questions, to pepper Dave with personnel performance pitfalls, passivity, peculiarities, and... other CHALLENGES. You have to focus solely on this event to keep up with the conversation!

Our intent it to be a catalyst for your epiphany: "I have to do things differently NOW."  Give us your full attention and you will be inspired to FINALLY invest the time to improve your company culture and fully engage your employees.

According to the Gallup organization only 18% of managers are effective.  Could you be a better leader/manager? If yes, then every day you postpone your leadership development costs you a lot of money.   Join us to consider how to grow your leadership skills to the next level.

This webinar enables you to evaluate your leadership in the 10 critical areas of employee engagement so you increase Client loyalty (and profitability).  Register here.

Have a great week!

David Russell

David is the Founder and CEO of Manage 2 Win.


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